106. Post office box

106 - post box


Pouce Coupe Museum

This is an early letter box. Canada Post was founded in 1867as a federal department. It is now a Crown Corporation, headquartered in Ottawa. The Canada Post slogan is ‘From anywhere…to anyone.” In days before internet and reliable telephone service, the postal service was king, and instrumental to the functions of Canadian society. Delivery was often to smaller, more local post offices which popped up across the country. Post offices often changed location as the railroad was built and community populations shifted. Sometimes, after the death of a post master, the office was closed and mail was redirected to a nearby community. This practice continued until the early 1970s when postal codes were introduced and Canada Post closed thousands of rural post offices with the introduction of “rural route delivery.” The museum has other post office items, donated by the Pouce Coupe Post Office. (140/150) [A similar post box can be seen at Musee Girouxville Museum, and postal history for the North Peace can be seen at Fort St. John North Peace Museum]